The hoverboard ... One day I'm going to learn how to operate one of these things. Most of the YouTube vloggers I follow own one. Plus this has to be a fun way to get in a little cardio.
Growing up in the 80's both boys and girls learned how to use a skateboard. Mi primo taught me how to skateboard. I felt so cool back then!
The hoverboard is the high tech version of a skateboard. I see guys riding them through the airport and downtown without a care in the world. YouTubers like Casey Neistat and Jenna Marbles make riding one look easy. If I do end up getting one I won't be riding it wearing heels. Muy peligroso.
*Update 12-14-15 Some models have been implicated in house fires. Please be cautious. Repair kits may save a life.
Hoverboard Repair - Parts Repair Kit
Maybe one day,