Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Biker


I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line.
But, you didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.

I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk.
But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local mall.

I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant.
But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief.

I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I rode by.
But, you didn't see me, riding behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window.

I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children.
But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless.

I saw you, stare at my long hair.
But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.

I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather jackets and gloves.
But, you didn't see me, and my brothers donate our old ones to those that had none.

I saw you, look in fright at my tattoos.
But, you didn't see me, cry as my children were born and have their name written over and in my heart.

I saw you, change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere.
But, you didn't see me, going home to be with my family.

I saw you, complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be.
But, you didn't see me, when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane.

I saw you, yelling at your kids in the car.
But, you didn't see me, pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me.

I saw you, reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road.
But, you didn't see me, squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn.

I saw you, race down the road in the rain.
But, you didn't see me, get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date.

I saw you, run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time.
But, you didn't see me, trying to turn right.

I saw you, cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in.
But, you didn't see me, leave the road.

I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass.

But, you didn't see me. I wasn't there.

I saw you, go home to your family.

But, you didn't see me.

Because, I died that day you cut me off.

I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family.

But, you didn't see me.


 re-posted from Monica See

**My Father-in-Law is a biker. Please be careful out there!


No bitch, I don't want your man!

As many of you know, mi esposo and I are now separated. I didn't feel right keeping my Facebook status as "married", so I changed it to "none". I didn't announce it or publish it to my wall. No fanfare or confetti, just a simple click.

It took about 2 hours for me to start getting messages from guys I went to high school with 20 years ago. At first I thought it was sort of sweet. Then it got creepy. I've posted lots of cool things on Facebook, funny videos and tearful updates in the past. No response. I'm now "available" and the men come out of the woodwork, along with their significant others...

I can see through you. I'm NOT interested in your husband, boyfriend, sex toy, friend with benefits, whatever you want to call him. If I wasn't interested in high school, trust me I'm especially not interested now.

By the way, referring to me as BOO is going to get you deleted and ignored with lightening speed.

Rant over! That felt soooo good!!!



Friday, March 19, 2010

Joslyn James

I've been sort of a hermit lately. I'm dealing with a few health issues and I'm completely negative right now. Mi madre always says "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". This of course doesn't apply to my blog.

Even though I'm taking a little social network posting hiatus, I'm still reading and keeping up with what's going on in the world. Right now "cheating husbands" are all the rage. Tiger Woods and Jesse James are the front runners in this disappointing race.

Tiger Woods' girlfriend, mistress, whore Joslyn James is looking to extend her 15 minutes of fame by posting text messages Tiger sent to her while they were dating, having sex, screwing each other a while ago. Others are shocked at these messages, I am not. Maybe I'm jaded?

Those of you who don't want to read the messages for yourself, I'll sum them up for you. Tiger Woods is a freak, he likes kinky sex including golden showers, threesomes, and cheating on his wife with porn stars.

At least Tiger's girlfriend was cute.

Shame on us all,


Monday, March 8, 2010

Los colores

Marisol fell in love at an early age. The first time she saw him on the playground, she knew he was special. He had lots of dark shiny hair, caramel skin and light eyes. All the other kids liked and respected Daniel. He was a leader and had a way of knowing just what to say and when to say it. Marisol couldn't help smiling everytime he caught her eye.

Junior High was rough. Her parents split up when her papi when to jail on illegal gun charges and assault. Lots of people started coming to her house, at all times during the day. Marisol recognized some of the people by the colors they wore, always black and gold.

She wondered why everything changed all of a sudden. Her madre started wearning lots of gold jewelry. There was always food in the house, but now all the cabinets were full, all the time.

Marisol's hermana Ana Maria began dating a man everyone feared, his name was Juan. Juan was Daniel's hermano mejor. He was tall, muy guapo y peligroso. Whenever she saw he had a gun in one had and his pager in another. Marisol was scared of him, but was happy he when he came over because he brought Daniel with him.

Ana Maria got pregnant at the end of her senior year. She graduated and had a baby boy all in the same month. Juan and Ana Maria moved into their own apartment. Now it was just Marisol y su madre. Soon she began to spend all of the time con Daniel and his friends. All of them wore black and gold too.

One night Daniel asked her to deliver a package for him. Marisol loved him so she didn't even question what was in it. When she arrived at the building a group of girls were there. They were gang members, but for some reason she wasn't scared. One of the girls came up to her. She called herself Loca, she even had it tattooed on her arm. Loca took the package from her and told Marisol to sit down.

Loca went into another part of the building. When she came back she was smiling. The other girls started laughing and smiling too. Everyone looked at her. Loca touched her cheek and said "You did good mija". That was the first day of Marisol's new life.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Latism stands for Latinos in Social Media. It's a wonderful organization of highly intelligent, driven Latinos who happen to be professionals in the social media world. Through the #Latism hashtag on Twitter, I have most a group of the most wonderful people. Our conversations, charity drives, and Twitter parties keep me energized.

Right now there is a lot going on in the month of March. It's the month of the Mujer. A celebration of the fantastic Latina. A woman who can do it all and still manage to spice things up! We're also hosting a special Monday night Twitter party to raise funds and awareness for Chile. The 8.8 magnitude earthquake caused many deaths and horrible destruction of that beautiful country. Por favor, join us March 8, 2010 on Twitter at 9:00 pm. Look for the hashtags #Latism4Chile or #Latism.

I'd like to give special WEPA recognition to the following members of Latism:
@AnaRC @ergeekgoddess @UrbanJibaro @beinglatino @LatinaBella @LouisPagan
@KetyE @LLOnlineBlogera @TheOnlineMom @IsolatedExisten @Latinaprpro
@xavierism @julito77 @OfeliaNJ @chela816 @LTLV613 @hissip @Mcontemporanea
@carogonza @lorena_vale @MsLatina @antonio @httponline @iCuevas @JaiMami
@jeannettekaplun @jennifervides @josieinthecity @kcrojas @KellyMullaney @NancyPerez
@spanglishbaby @SupaSistaLatina @TargetLatino @TikiTikiBlog @vidagirl @mikeroblescomic

Besos y abrazos mi gente,