6:00 am up early to prepare for the day
7:15 am arrive at work early to have access to copy room/grade papers in peace/clean room
8:00 am school bell rings
8:05 am parent emails start coming in (No I haven’t graded all the quizzes yet. I have 517 students.)
8:10 am planning period –40 minutes
-grade papers/answer emails/update lesson plans/conference with parents
-meet with administrators/read through IEPs and 504 Plans
8:50 am math class (co-teach with intervention specialist)
-each student in the class has a learning or behavior issue or both
9:50 am try to use restroom.
Attempt #1. All full. Race back to classroom.
9:53 am class
10:38 am brunch aka lunch time
-meet with students who are struggling in class
-return parent phone calls
-shove food down throat
Attempt #2. Line too long.
11:05 am class
11:50 am restroom.
Attempt #3. SUCCESS!!
11:53 am class
12:36 pm class
-inclusion/3 adult aides in room
-every hand is usually up/not possible to meet the needs of all 28 students consistently
-frustrated :(
1:21 pm class
2:06 pm intervention/enrichment duty
3:00 pm bell rings
3:05 pm grade more papers/read through professional development powerpoint from state
-make good news or bad news calls home
-staff meeting
4:00 pm run to grocery store
4:30 pm cook small quick dinner/grade papers/read through personal emails
5:00 pm walk or play with dog/return personal calls/check social media
6:00 pm begin work for Bliss
-check Pinterest inspiration boards
-update website
-call clients
-participate in Twitter party to stay current in the field
7:00 pm watch a little tv and fall asleep
*This is what a day in my life looks like. I hope you all see why I’m grumpy sometimes ;).
I get upset when people say that teachers don't do anything all day. I bet most of you can go to the restroom whenever you want. Right? I bet you also have more than 27 minutes for lunch too.
Teaching is a year round position. Most of us take classes all summer, teach or tutor students, or work full time at another job. We're not lying on a beach reading trashy novels for three months straight.
I became a teacher because of the students. Even though we are disrespected and looked down on, I wouldn't want to be anything else. Nothing makes me smile more than when a student runs up to me and says I can't wait to come to your class later. That little face makes my day.