Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Feliz Navidad


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Back in the Day

I've been thinking a lot about the past lately. Two wonderful memories come to mind and both have to do with my mouth. I'm talking about beverages! Your minds mi gente. Tsk, Tsk.

My two favorite beverages were:

I think I spent all of my first paycheck on New York Seltzers. OMGosh. The strawberry, peach, and raspberry flavors were the best. I remember when we sold these at the movie theater I worked at during the summers. Those were good times. All the free popcorn and seltzers we could drink during a shift plus special  movie screenings just for the staff and management. I have no idea why I was stressed back then. What was wrong with me?!?

Clearly Canadians were my high school drink of choice when I didn't have access to a wine cooler. Mmm, wine coolers... All the girls at our super cool lunch table *eye roll* would pack these for lunch. I have to get my hands on one of these. After googling them, it just so happens that the company will be making them again in SIX days. Christmas is coming a little early. At least I hope so. If our area doesn't get these I am going to be mad. 


Monday, December 16, 2013

Blog Adoration

Attention readers. There are other blogs online that are awesome. I know, you're shocked right? I absolutely adore many blogs but I'm sending special shout-outs to a couple of my favorites.

Lisa Newlin - Seriously?

Please take the time to read her blog post on Spanx. Even if you've never tried on a pair (beotch) you will laugh.

Love, Teach

"Love, Teach" is a blog written by a young teacher. She is FABULOUS! I love her. She is my new spirit animal. The reason why I love her blog so much is that she actually is honest about teaching, her students, the people she works with and most importantly about herself. I am hooked.

The post I linked to explains why you should NOT date a teacher. Hahahahaha!!! *crying*


Monday, December 9, 2013

Well, well, well.

-One of the best teachers in our building retired last week. She has been replaced by a "goddess". Yep, you read that right. A "goddess". This long term substitute teacher made up a religion and she is their goddess leader. Parents please be involved in your children's school life as much as you can be every day.

-I have Pneumonia again. This is twice in two months. I refuse to go to the hospital again so I am doing home treatments. I pray this works. I cannot be sick for Christmas.

-Craigslist is no longer my guilty pleasure. The ads are getting super weird and not in a fun way. Plus there was another murder victim found this past weekend. A husband and wife who placed an ad for a threesome just to kill another person, to see what it felt like. Fortunately they were caught. *Update* An Iran War veteran was killed on December 9, 2013 meeting up with two teenaged boys supposedly selling an iPad. I'm staying far away from Craigslist. You should too.

-Grumpy is my new middle name. I think it's a combination of being constantly sick, working around idiots, and stress. Right now the only thing that makes me smile are the replays of "Modern Family" on the USA channel. The first two seasons of this show are comedy gold!!

-Barrow, Alaska is out. In my painstaking research I discovered the city doesn't allow bully breeds as pets. No pets?!?! BSL = BS. What kind of place is this? Ugh.

-My ex sent me a nonsense email with random pictures last night. He must have been high. I'm not even going to post it because it is a garbled mess. Just like him.

-I wish I could hire a nurse to come over to my house and give me postural drainage and percussion (PDP) treatments.  I think my lungs would function a lot better.

-Just because I said it, doesn't mean that I meant it, even if you read it. My Adele-ish motto.

-Let people tell on themselves. Don't hate the player, hate the GAME!!! Lmao.

Muchos abrazos,