Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Too Hot!

⚫Hot weather and I have never been friends. I want to live in a place that never has temperatures over 75° F. I do like sunshine and vacations/holidays, but swollen ankles and sweaty hair are an ongoing frustration.

⚫My goal is to redo my kitchen. I have an idea board on Pinterest. I can't wait for the day I walk into my kitchen and smile. It's going to take a long time because lately I haven't had the strength to do laundry. A kitchen renovation is a fantasy y muy caro .

⚫We have a new principal for the 2018-19 school year. I am hoping and praying the school climate will change. Moral is incredibly low. I get sad just thinking about school. I am grateful to have a job, I would just like a room and to teach real classes again. I have seniority, but in our district that means nothing. God knows. He sees all. He has seen how I have been treated. Only 5 years left and I will be able to retire!!


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