You may wonder why I called my blog "A Perfect Lie" or "Una Mentira Perfecta" in Spanish. I feel like my life is exactly that sometimes. What you see on the outside is completely different from what's on the inside. I plan to share the 'real' me in this blog.
I try to appear to be perfect. My appearance, what I wear, my professional life, and how I project myself to others. I almost never say what I really want to say, unless I get mad. Sometimes not even then. I'll give you a perfect example of this in another posting soon. (It's going to be a rough one, so hold on people!)
A perfect lie is the name of the theme song from one of my favorite shows, "Nip/Tuck". I love the show and the song fits in, well perfectly. The song is performed by The Engine Room. Here are the lyrics:
make me... beautiful
make me... beautiful
perfect soul
perfect mind
perfect face
a perfect... lie
make me... beautiful
make me... beautiful
perfect soul
perfect mind
perfect face
a perfect...
prefect soul
perfect mind
perfect face
a perfect... lie
a perfect... lie
a perfect...lie
a perfect...lie
I know no one is perfect. As you get to know me, you'll find out I'm not even close.
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