Tuesday, October 16, 2012


-If you live in the USA please vote. Su vota es su voz.

-My new boss is making me miserable.

-I finally stopped talking to my ex.

-My lawn looks fabulous. I've learned how to mow in straight lines.

-If you are fortunate enough to have a good doctor, you are blessed.

-There are people who wake up with the goal to make others sad. I work with many of these people.

-No matter what I do, I cannot seem to lose any more weight.

-My dog makes me laugh every day.

-Mi madre puede ser cruel. 

-You cannot change what you don't acknowledge. 



  1. I'm usually the first or second person in line to vote and I always vote. I will try and be the very first person in line this year as well.

  2. That's so good to hear. I'm always one of the first people in line as well. I hope everyone that is registered to vote takes the time to vote this year.
