Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The perfect man...

If I could create the perfect man here's how he would be:
-honest (I almost always find out if you lie)
-spiritual (know that there is Someone all knowing and powerful in our lives)
-loyal (to me, to himself, his job, and others)
-tough (can kick ass if necessary)
-employed (we're in a recession gente)
-good sense of humor (if you make me laugh, you've almost won me over)
-faithful (sharing is NOT caring)
-sensitive (hug me when I cry, enjoy cooing at babies in the store)
-affectionate (I LOVE to kiss, besame mucho)
-good hygiene (a soapy washcloth, hot water and deodorant should be your best friends)
-respectful (you must have respect in order to truly love another)

I'm not asking for much, just the basics.



  1. Very good qualities!

    These are all qualities men should have, but I continually see women that settle for less than they deserve.

  2. Gracias. I agree. I will no longer settle. These are only the basics! I know there are more women than men in this world, but we must wait until we find the right one ;).

  3. Good post!

    "faithful (sharing is NOT caring)" This one made me laugh. So true!

    The first one, I always say I will find out even if it is weeks, months or yrs but I will find out! And it will be your ass! :-D

  4. "It will be your ass"- perfect!!
